The Denver Club Building has made the health and safety of our tenants our highest priority. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we completed a robust analysis of several programs to determine the best fit for both our portfolio and our tenants. The Denver Club underwent third-party certification through the Fitwel Viral Response Module to receive certification at both the entity and asset level, signifying a commitment to wellness within the design, development and operation of our buildings. The Denver Club Building is Fitwel® Viral Response Approved.
Key Highlights:
• Common areas underwent rigorous indoor air quality and ventilation testing to ensure optimal conditions for mitigating against viral transmission. Strategies are in effect to promote a high level of indoor air quality.
• Surface and hand hygiene stations, and educational signage have been placed in common areas of the building.
• We have implemented policies and training to ensure building staff is prepared to deal with contagious disease outbreaks. Policies are in place for the deployment of focused cleaning after notification of a positive COVID-19 case